Glitchy looking model, why?

Hello! I’m new with blender and i’m wondering why do i get these strange edges and glitchy look to my model?
I’m only using smooth shading and subdivision surface.


Thanks from help!

Looks like you have an edge/faces inside your mesh/double vertices/inconsistent face normals, supply a download link to your blend file so it can be reviewed

I’m only using smooth shading and subdivision surface.
You should not just slap on a subsurf mesh and expect it to nicely smooth everything out. If you have a crap mesh to begin with (triangles, ngons, non manifold edges) you will get a crap result.

Ok thanks, here’s the link hand.blend (455 KB)

Take more care when modelling, select one of the vertices where you can see a problem and move it to see the problem

Select all and remove double, W / remove doubles (86 double vertices removed).
Recalculate normals (Ctrl+N)

not directly related to your question, but, imo, when making this type of hand, it’s best to begin with the fingers and work backward to the wrist.