Global illumination-sky dome method

Hi everybody,

I am trying to get a nice global illumination effect following the instructions given in the Blender Guide (p.204). Basically, I added a icosphere, then cut it into half in order to form a sky dome that surrounds the whole scene (including one spot light right at the center of the scene). Then I made the spot light parent with the sky dome. Then Flip the normal to point them inwards (F9). Then click on “duplivert” (F7). At this point all the created lamps point downwards as the original lamp. Then I click on “rot” (F7) and the lamps should point inwards to the center of the scene following the direction of the normals. The problem is that all of them are pointing in different directions. They follow a pattern though but it is not even close to be pointing to the center of the scene (nor outwards). The original lamp is right at the center of the scene on the base plane of the sky dome. I guess there is something I am not doing it right, right?.
I appreciate any help. Thanks!!!

Make sure that the original lamp has no rotation. Select the original lamp and press ALT-R to clear any rotation.

Before dupliverting, select the lamp and hit ctrl+A.

Um. . .can you try moving your base lamp up (Z direction), like. . .1/2 to 3/4 the way up to the sky dome?

It worked!!!


Thanks everybody for the comments!

I was able to duplicate the sky dome according to the original post but I managed to get a type of “flare” at the base of my cube. What is causing this flare?

I have encountered this on another project I am working on. At first I thought it was a lamp in the scene but after deleting it the “flare” remained.

Anyone know what is going on here?
Dome Flare
Roof Flare

Looks a lot like a specular highlight to me. Have you tried “No Specular” for the lamps or giving the floor / roof a lower amount of specularity?

I’ll check that out. Offhand - you are probably right. I don’t think I set my spec level on the roof material to zero.

I’ll post back later with the results.


Just checking back - that was it. I turned the specular down on the materials and the problem went away. Thanks.