GLSL PBR Shader for viewport

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Nice one, Andrew
Will you finalize it? (add smoke, camera shake, grade…)
Even if not, still likeable

For anyone that didn’t know, you can get this with a 2.78 build at graphicall (specifically here)

Just found, maybe this will be helpful in your project.

Real time Point Based Global Illumination

@carlosan that seems something like what they use for GI in Marmoset Toolbag 3. It would be cool if it could be used in the viewport upgrade.

I have the similar problem. Did you solved it?

Thanks a lot.

FYI the build is buggy.
I have an issue where all 2.77x and below seem to automatically switch windows 7 theme back to basic while they’re running (don’t know why; didn’t happen back when I was using them). Still though, the issues I get in 2.78 aren’t in the 2.77 build(s).

  1. my bones using custom shapes (empty sphere) display with flashing colors, as though several copies are there intersecting with different colors plus the original black (no groups).

  2. selecting an armature causes a permanent lag until closing Blender. for example default it can play 30fps but after selecting an armature with even just 1 bone, the fps drop to like 12-25 fps

  3. Saving the file makes it un-loadable in non-pbr builds. I don’t know which steps it takes before they fail to load, however I did a basic setup enabling the Material Preview and when I opened it in Official 2.78, Blender just closes.

It’s usable for doing a viewport render but not much else (doesn’t help that render also doesn’t use the color management option)

If the glsl viewport could handle the pointiness attribute, texturing objects in pbr would be a breeze.


Will this and all of Clement’s work move into 2.8? Sorry if it’s commonly known information, I’m not in the loop.

i made this, for a client, PBR is indeed awesom

i for hindid speaking people exclusively, and its the hindi alphabet. so i request you to watch it at 2x speed so it doesn’t waste your time and all.

can’t download, it stops

Is this going to be part of blender or just an addom? And is this going to be implemented in bge realtime, like the area lights, Enviroment maps, reflections… or only in the “viewport to render”?

None of the above.
The dev is going to use what he’s implemented here, in the EEvEE engine for Blender 2.8.

What’s going to happen with the EeVeE engine in 2.8? It’s being developed so not everything that’s planned “will” make it and there “may” be more things planned for it to actually show.

This doesnt render shadows right?

Was or is this something for the base of the EEVEE engine?

The branch talked about here could be seen as the precursor to Eevee, but I don’t know how much of the code was reused.

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I did read he does work on EEVEE righ now. Great job!