ok so whenever i switch to glsl none of the menus will open, like if i click on file, it does nothing. anybody know why this is happening? i can run the game fine but i just cant access the menus(which also means i cant switch out of glsl) im running blender 2.49b
Odd. Try 2.5 - does it also have the same problem? Oh, and disable anti-aliasing, if you have it enabled. That has been known to cause some problems with Blender.
Let me see if I got it Kendrick: You can’t see the menu or the menu is not working at all?
the MENU doesnt work, and i cant SEE the sub menus
BTW i just tried it in 2.5 and it works perfectly
that’s wierd…It works fine for me, and I’m not using 2.5. try deselecting certain ones to go through a process of elimination and find your problem.
What is your graphic card?
What is you Operating System? macos, linux or windows?
Try to re-install driver
It works fine for me
first of aal u must have prefference menu bar two u must have a header for that menu "try this go beetween 2 windows click right split screen then
make sure there is a header ,if not click right add header