
Heys guys. 1st time here and am currlently learin blender. Which i really enjoy.

But i was wondering if any of u hav ever used gMax by Discreet. Its basicly a low level 3d Studio Max. Any help wud b great.

Would be great for what? Anything GMax can do Blender can do better and with less effort, I downloaded GMax and i think it is rubbish, i used a pack to export to some Command and Conquer file type (W3D). But all my modelling was done in Blender because it is more powerfull and a lot easier.

dude, everyone knows about gMax because everyone knows about 3DSMax. Personaly, I really didnt like gMax at all. Too many modifiers and sub-dividing and…ah it was just annoying to me. Seems to be a lot of options out in the open that you dont use and just get in the way.

The other thinig I really didnt care for, was the fact that it didnt come with a renderer. Blender comes with a fast scanline renderer, and there are scripts to export to fast raytracers like YafRay and POVRay, which are also free.

People who post things about other 3d apps arent generally recieved too well. theres a lot of people who just dont care for those other ‘free’ and certainly limited education softwares like Houdini, Maya etc. They are free, but still come at a price.

So in short, I recommend learning Blender because:
-Its free
-Its opensource
-Its got python support
-Its free
-Its got a fast scanline renderer with lots of potential
-It has support forums that easily out-do most customer service numbers.
-Its free!

Yeah, so blender is good. and I like it…and uh…so should you :slight_smile:


I do like blender, ave even passed it on to a few mates. Tryin my best till learn blender, am gettin there slowly but surely. Just doin it in my spare time cus i am learin visual basic programming at school most of the day and and recked after it al but i hop to hav some 1st time stuff up soon.

Cheers for all your help and were can i learn python if i have to!

Blender was my first dip into the 3d world, i didnt use it often but learnt bits and pieces. One day i found myself come back, About 2.23 and realised i really love 3D art and i want to make some. I learnt a bit more and suddenly i found myself knowing most of the hotkeys and a lot of techniques.

Then i tried to modell something and realised i couldnt :S. So i gave up on blender and thought i may try a commercial app. I ‘aquired’ lightwave and tried to learn that. I couldnt i found that all the hotkeys are too random, and its more complex.

My problem was that i thought that with a commercial app it would be easier to model stuff. ITS NOT. In lightwave i found myself spending ages just to ry and make even the most simple of models. So i cam back to blender and found that all i needed was practise and a bit of patience.

What i love most about blender is the speed at which modelling can be done. It takes ages in lightwave, maya, and Max. Ok so blender might not have the best renderer, or cost upwards of £1000. But i think that it has great potential. I am going to stick to Blender forever now.

BTW, im still crap. But i hope to learn more and more as blender gets better.
I’m glad i jumped on the boat when i did.


I believed such cruelties were banned in all countries belonging to the ONU :o



I believed such cruelties were banned in all countries belonging to the ONU :o


They had to replace physical torture because it was inhumane, so they replaced it with psychological torture because they could get away with it. :smiley:

so i take it you guys arent bug fans of vbasic. Why not, i am enjoyin learin it and am makin some good progress. Wat your opinion of it lol. Not very high by the looks of it lol.

I’ve used VB and I have to say that every time I have to, I just feel dirty. Sure it [mostly] works, [mostly] gets things done, and is easy to learn, but there are some important language design rules broken by it and consistancy is a huge issue. It’s almost like it’s confused between trying to decide to be a scripting language and “real” programming language.

That and I’m not very fond of VB’s syntactic style… it strikes me as overly verbose.

That’s just this monkey’s thoughts, however.