From the beggining of time we were promised a machine,one that could end the war between our mortal enemies. war was the only thing we knew, war was the only thing we could do. we waited what seemed like an eternity for The “promised machine” through dark and light ages our peoples finest engineers had trouble building the leviathan to come. Wehad assumed that this machine was a spaceship, how wrong we were, the end result was complete insanity, it was the size of our world, it was not a spaceship, it was a Hyper-ship. The singled ship alone tore apart fleet after fleet, unscathed. cannons at full power 10,000 shot plasma missile silos were not even depleted, we warped around like a puma compared to the sloth ships they had. We had created somthing amazing…somthing powerful… then we saw it, somthing bigger and stronger than us… along the side were the words of the newley crowned battleship of theirs… Godfire.
Show the model first, then deelop the scene. We can’t see anything to offer critique or advise about, so you won’t get much useable comments yet. If you want, just also put up a wireframe image and a render without the world environment, with AO on maybe so we can see the model itself. I like the write up, nice tension building