Godray done right

I have watched some videos about how to create godrays and they work out fair enough, but not quite what I’m after. I’m mixing up a volume absorption shader with a volume scatter and did messed around with the light and the properties of these nodes.
Does someone know how to make a really stunning godray effect?
It will be composited into the scene afterwards so it doesn’t have to match with the lighting of the scene.
Thanks in advance.

You have a few options: One: You can render the godrays in a separate scene with Blender Internal, or you can use a water mist setup: It mixes three volume scatters: ([Anisotropy = .9] mix: .52 [Anisotropy = .25]) mix = .48 [Anisotropy = -.38]

That node setup works well for mist, but not as well for dust. Dust you’ll have to figure out yourself.

Thanks for the reply, I’ll look into those.