Goin' hippo hunting...

I’ve been working the past month at Taco Loco, which is a taco stand in Break Time convenience store, which is owned by MFA oil. This means nothing to you guys, though, since MFA, and consequently any stores they own, is a Missouri-wide company and not nation-wide or world-wide company.

Today the store manager told me that a woman filed a complaint against me, saying that she had to yell at me to get me to wait on her (I was the only one there, and I was still expected to do jobs in the back of the store where I couldn’t check for customers readily, so it’s true) and when I did get up there I did not talk to her, which is a flat out lie since I talk to every customer that comes up to the counter.

She then said when she asked what was on a nacho thing I just showed her the monitor, which I know damn well, and did at the time, that the monitor doesn’t show the components. I checked the cheat sheet, which I only do to avoid misinforming the customers, but apparantly that showed ignorance on my part.

She then accused me of not washing my hands after I took the order. I slipped out of sight for a moment, and she had no way of knowing what I was and wasn’t doing (it just so happens that I did wash my hands back there, she just couldn’t see, and three cameras will verify that.)

And the final straw, she did not recommend that the store manager works with me, like a decent person should. She started screaming for my termination. Normally it wouldn’t be so bad, but she’s one of the heads of the company.

My store manager is sticking her neck out for me, because she doesn’t want to fire me, but this hippo started putting pressure on her subordinates, who put pressure on the regional manager, and the regional manager started putting pressure on the store manager. In other words, I have nothing against my store manager, even though she will technically be the one to fire me, and she will fill out the paper work.

So since I’m at the bottom, and the manager is just above me, she’s got the weight of a group of people plus the weight of a hippo jumping up and down on them, and since I’m at the bottom, I will be the one that gets crushed.

Years ago someone told me that MFA stands for Missouri Farmer’s association. Today I learned that it stands for mother fg a*s.

In closing, I know this request should be on the Q&A board, but can anyone direct me to a site that will teach me how to model a hippo? Gotta let off some steam.

Hi, really sorry to hear about your day.

For the hippo tute, go to Discreet’s website and find the online tutorials for Max 5.

There is a good hippo tute on there, I’m sure you could adapt it for Blender without too much difficulty.



dwmitch… Don’t let this get you down man… I know how hard and unfair it is, but we owe to ourselves to always look forward…

You lost just a stupid job… That’s all…(well, at least this is what it seems right now, but hey, you never know… Perhaps tomorrow things will change…:D)

The world is full of other jobs…

It’s also full of stupid hysterical people, like the one who treated you this way… Just don’t pay attention to them… They don’t worth it… Cheer up and stop thinking it…

Sometimes when people treat me like this, I become angry and start thinking how to get even… To repay them for what they did to me… But this is the only way they can defeat us… To make us think “ugly” things…

Let it go… That job wasn’t your whole life… You’ll be the winner in the end…

It just downright pisses me off when people do stuff like that (over-exaggerate things or completely make stuff up to cause problems), whether to me or anybody else. :<

Sorry to hear that dwmitch.
I hope your manager’s confidence in you carries more weight than this woman.

We have a guy who comes in from the car lot next door, a salesman, who belittles and intimidates anyone who takes his order. This ofcourse results in a screwed up order which reenforces his belief that were all incompetent. He gave me this business a couple of times and I handled it
in a professional manner. I mentioned to him one day in an amiable conversation that my brother had just bought a minivan from his company. All it took. He wipped out his card like Wyatt Erp and handed it to me! Ever since then he’s been cool.

hmmm, sorry about that :frowning: … life is often so unfare…

anyways, i would send her a nice picture of a big, fat, ugly hippo…
you could also go to court if you really want revenge (i am sure that you would win the case, especially if there is video evidence)…


Nothing can be done now. Business was so slow that I was thinking of jumping ship anyway. I was just going to get another job lined out first. All the hippo did was cut a hole in my net. This woman is so high up in the corporation that even if she would have been there in person to witness me take her order, if she would have refused to fire me she would have been gone.

I have to admit, if the situation was reversed I would have done the same. My manager has bills to take care of and a child(ren). I still live at home with my parents, and my fiancé (UPDATE: She’s going to the unemployment office with me tomorrow to get a part time job) still lives with her mother, and neither one of us has children. My manager knew this, and she also knew that I had nothing to lose by losing this job, as I was a low level peon. She would have lost a lot, so she just gave up on me, which is what I encouraged.

As you said, if that “hippo” has such a high position, nothing you or your manager would have said, would change things… Her mind was allready made up…

And yes, allthough it’s unfair, we all are low level peons, compared to such people… At least that’s what they think of us…

But I believe that everybody worths something… Even a low level peon… And everybody eventually will make his/her dreams come true, as long as he/she truly, wants them to happen…

She may have managed to delay you a little bit… But she can’t stop you, as long as you believe in your self and you have people around you that believe in you and support you…

I wish you all the luck…

Allthough you don’t need any…

Cause you got your luck in your hands… :smiley:
