Good place to learn python?

Alright, i’m giving in. I will learn python. The questions is, where’s a good place to start learning? Should i learn by looking at other people’s scripts? If so where can i find a bunch of game engine scripts that i could look at? Should i go through some tutorials? I’ve gone through one called Instant Hacking and i can write a simple program, but some of the other tutorials at seem to assume that i have a programming background.

I think it’s be easiest to learn from other’s scripts, can someone point me to some?



Go up to the python forum, they have a list of scripts available for use, I’m fairly sure they wouldn’t mind letting you look them over.

pooba um… sometimes its not as wise to learn from other script becuase they might have poor programming skills and just confuse the hell out of you… I’d sugest you learning from the doc on and … in the long run you’ll see what I mean becuase you wont be the one asking question, but rather be answering them :slight_smile:

LEARN FRUM hitachi :slight_smile:

Somewhere in I found a series of worksheets designed to teach 12-15yr olds Python. So far, this has been the best bet for me to actually learn the damned language. :expressionless:

Now the time is there. I promissed myself to learn pyhton, but I found never a good place to learn it. For learning html they’ve got really good site where they tell ya how to use it. But I didn’t never found a pyhton place where they talk about pyhton at a newbie skill. So maybe it should be usefull to open a pyhtonchat room or place to talk about this scripting, and learn people who want to learn it this scripting.

Place to learn pyhton for people of 12 - 15 years old? yeah :smiley: I want that link :P. It’s just a begin 8)

Here ya go:
So far I’m working on it. The darndest thing, everytime I hit enter it would try to run the command instead of letting me insert more code. THEN I realized I had to start a new file and not use the IDLE. :expressionless:

Well, I suppose, we’re none of us perfect. :slight_smile:

The darndest thing, everytime I hit enter it would try to run the command instead of letting me insert more code. THEN I realized I had to start a new file and not use the IDLE.

You have it backwards. :slight_smile:

The IDLE for python is the program that lets you save/debug/write/ python scripts.

The python command line is what you were using and it only exepts one command line at a time.

:expressionless: Told ya I was new to this. I’ve been working with Python for almost 24 hours now. :smiley:

btw you can always join #gameblender or #python to get help with python on

Theres nothing to be embarrassed about Merc, given time you will become a pro with python!

Gawd, I hope you’re right. I could only get so far in Basic before I realized that all I could do was simple stuff like password control programs and autoexec crap. After that, I just got confused. Now I’ve had a little fun with Python, and am learning at a much faster pace. I think I’m gonna like this :smiley: