Does anyone know of any good web sites with a lot of textures? I’m familiar with grsites. Are there any other worthwhile sites? If so could you please share them with me?
Thanks in advance
Does anyone know of any good web sites with a lot of textures? I’m familiar with grsites. Are there any other worthwhile sites? If so could you please share them with me?
Thanks in advance
Thanks for the site!
Agreed, that maytag site is awesome
He-blend, Totally… Best dishwasher textures on the net!
They don’t seem to be seamless, which is very important.
Do you guys know of a similar site, only with seamless textures?
I have a small collection of my own textures at my site:
I hope to add more soon. MAKE SURE YOU RESIZE them before using them in a game. They’re hi-res.
this has a good thread
the good thing aboth this site is you can see what the texture looks like when tiled (check if its seamlesss or not)
Of course ‘seamed’ textures are still good, especially if your Uv’ing them or are using them like a picture ( a door, a patch of earth etc)