Good time tracking - project management software (win/mac desktop/online)


I am currently looking into some usable time tracking and project management software. Mainly the aspect of counting hours and timeline is what I am interested in, meaning more a light weight, a small tool.

There is Things and TimeEdition for Mac OS X which are quite nice.
OpenAtrium is more a web based service as I understand but it seems also quite capable and simple to use. And then there is GantProject and OS clone of Microsoft Project.

Does anybody have good experience with a different software / online service?

For OS X I’ve used Time Tracker – you have to do it on the computer if that’s going to limit you, however. One nice feature is if you forget to clock out after a few minutes of inactivity it pops up and asks if you want to count that time. Free, used it for a couple years.

Very easy to handle projects, start/pause, can even create bills for projects.
Downside, windows only IIRC.


I use ToDoList
It display 5556 k of memory in the task manager :slight_smile:

hey thanks for the responses!

I also noticed that Google Apps is featuring some of those programs as well
but they are mainly to complex.

for basic time tracking for a project, with settings for hourly rate, etc, I use Timesage (free version) (Windows).
I’ve switched my invoicing to Zoho Online (free again for my needs).


do you use it with google apps?

I looked into Zoho project interesting - reminds me about a simple SQL database.

To my surprise there are not really good project management tools out there for out pocket.
Just simple to do and milestone concepts often dont do it.
I feel like getting Bento or something and simply doing it myself.

Ok I got Bento for Mac and wrote my own task and project database lol … in minutes. is a simple web based time tracker with some project management elements.

I found after all actually

Not bad since it has a desktop system as well for WinMac besides the browser bases system.

I spent years hating the paper timesheets I had to submit. I know they created errors when someone transcribed them, because I often had to get payroll personnel to fix problems. Now, though, we do time tracking in a web-based program from Replicon. It’s SO much easier. I post my hours in just a few minutes per week. No paycheck problems because the data gets ported, untouched, to payroll system. And they’ll supposedly have smartphone versions available middle of this year. Worth checking out.

because I work in Win and OS X I am interesting in an app for both
and Toggl works well here.

For OS X there are some really nice stand alone apps as well.

Our time and attendance system is totally optimized for multiple sites, multiple time zones and multiple languages. There are many features that allow you to configure the application to fit your solution needs

payroll check calculator


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It is easy-to-use! You can search it on the Internet to get many related products!

Our telephone and web-based employee time clock system is totally optimized for the web (unlike typical client/server technology). As a result, our system is fast and very easy to use.

web time clock

You guys can try Klok. It’s a simple tool to track your time when you work. Finished projects or tasks can then be placed in an archive.

If you’re looking for a simple and lightweight time tracking and project management software, you can try Time Doctor software. Time Doctor allows you to easily track your time, as well as your employees time. Perfectly suits for Mac, Linux and Windows and uses many methods to track the time you are spending on a project or task… Here are other features of Time Doctor software:

Thanks a lot! Very actual theme for me. As additional, try to use online-service for time-traсking ‘Personal time’