I want some newbie tutorials on making amateurs so I can make animations.
I want some newbie tutorials on making amateurs so I can make animations.
Best to get the book, Intro to Character Animation With Blender, via amazon or your local bookstore. It is one big 500 page tutorial.
Don’t really have any money ATM. I’m saving it all
welll… its all quite simple really… and you will be able to figure it out… but if you really want a very basic tutuorial… use Super3boy’s armature tutorial on youtube… its really really simple… but it explains what to do.
B.S.O.D. intro to character animation is a .PDF tutorial that’s not only simple, but the rig is pretty decent for a low poly character. I still use it.
this is old, a bit outdated, but maybe useful
Thanks guys
The BSOD In introduction to character animation is what I used when I was first learning Blender.
Ok. I’m a total noob to this and I found a wicked sweet tutorial that makes a biped character from the ground up, from shapes, to texturing, to armatures, to animations. Here is the upper body armature…just keep going on to the next section when you complete one…
Animations for the “render” and for the “game engine” don’t work exactly the same way!
So, be careful!
I think the best tutorial for rigging are mancandy faq (basic tutorial) and http://www.youtube.com/user/tp8000cfv
i just learn about rigging few days ago. I had bad time making my char use action actuator. I just dont work in bge. My mistake is that i use armature modifier to my mesh. I shoud be done by parenting mesh with armature.