Good video link to 3D sketching with grease pencil?

Hi all,

I read here and there that in Blender 2.8 you can now 3D sketch with the grease pencil but I am not very successful to find good video material about it to send it to a friend who is interested in this.

In youtube I did not find much - or what I was looking for.

So you can you really 3D draw now or is this more like on 2D planes that can be positioned in 3D space but the sketch itself remains more 2D ?

What do you mean by “you can you really 3D draw” ?

Grease Pencil allows you to draw on a View Plane with stylus of a graphical tablet.
You just have to change View between brush strokes. Doing that : you are creating a 3D Drawing.
That was a possibility since Grease Pencil creation, since years.
There are lots of videos about that.

But if you are talking about using an HMD and hand tracking, that may be a lot more difficult to find.
I think that people interested by HMDs will try to make sculpt or scene layout demos rather than 3D Drawing.
The way GP drastically changed during 2.8 development may have refrained developers of VR stuff to try to do something with it.
But that state will probably change into upcoming years.
There is currently a GSOC about integrating fundamentals OpenXR in Blender.
If developers will continue to work on that area during last part of 2019, we will probably have plenty of demos about GP in VR in 2020.
If Severin takes vacation and return to another task after his GSOC and nobody cares to try ; that could take more years.

Hi @cekuhnen. Maybe your friend wants to follow Jama in his artstation or any other of his socials. He´s the reference guy who made Jurassic World dino concepts based off pure Grease Pencil. Yep, but you won´t see that on your regular news. The guy is keen genious. He´s got video courses as well.


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Yeah I think what my friend understands as 3D is actually just sketching on a plane as usual or sketching on a 3D model. I think he had the impression you can truly draw in 3D directly.

You can truly draw in 3d. Were not the videos, what you were looking for?

With 3D I mean not just on a 2d canvas surface I can reposition like making cross section drawings of an arm watch but more 3D like while I draw or modify I paint instantly in xyz.

Look at Catia natural sketch about the watch.

This is all done (and more) in the videos I shared the url. Please take a look at them.

That is the beginning of video. But at the end, you obtain what corresponds to a 3D Drawing.
By default, Grease Pencil Object’s origin is used to define depth of Drawing plane.
You can use 3D cursor instead, redefine depth, quickly.
As is, instead of repositioning strokes, you reposition drawing plane and draw them directly at correct depth.

The video is not showing something different than what grease pencil does since almost one decade.
By default, you are drawing on View plane. But you can draw on a surface.

Like in the video, you need to have a mesh at disposal, first.
There is a vase, a car, a chair used in video. They made the 3D object first to be able to project drawing strokes on its surface.

What is new in grease pencil is the ability to have good response from tablets, GP as objects, ability to rig them and texture them.
But drawing on surface is not new at all. It is older than Grease Pencil. It was done by retopo paint tool in 2.43.
Grease Pencil is able to draw on meshes since first 2.5x releases.

What I never saw is a Grease Pencil demo that looks like a Tilt Brush demo.

But I think that should happen in a near future.

Yes, you are drawing on a flat 2D plane always. If you have a VR headset I really recommend checking out Gravity Sketch, its very close to grease pencil but in true “3D” space where you have 6DOF. Its amazing. I’m sure people are working on bringing VR into GP, fingers crossed.

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Yes, the devs will.
Rest assured. A lot going on on the official dev channels :slight_smile:

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Cool great guys for confirming my understanding. I had the feeling that he misunderstood the new capabilities.


check this and at 0:50 the sketches becomes 3D !!!