Can anyone tell me where I can find a good WYSIWYG web editor that is advanced, and free? I’ve tried dwarf, but it can’t import html files, and I have netscape composer, but it can’t do complex things I want it to like making the image of an image link change when pressed, and having side bars, and stuff.
sounds like you want dreamweaver
(personally never used it though, I just know it is better at that stuff)
heh… You’re probably lookin’ for something along the lines of Dreamweaver. Unfortunately, I don’t think there’s much like that in the “free as in beer” world.
You should try 1st Page, from
1st Page 2000 is a professional HTML editing software which lets you create great websites fast! The visually appealing program comes bundled with over 450+ Javascripts and supports all the latest web languages. Over 3+ million downloads!
I think it does php as well as a bunch of other niffty things… and its free!!!
Blend on, and blend well!!!
The best way to make websites, is just scripting in notepad or another plain text editor. WYSIWYG isn’t always WYSIWYG. Because you can make awesome websites in dreamwever, but even when you set the absolute width or hight in dreamwever in pixels, and watch it in IE or another browsers, the website get’s f…cked up, the colums and rows will get screwed up. It’s because Dreamwever can’t really handle tables. And even all the WYSIWYG editors add huge codes or crap into your site which you don’t use or are just added for “fun”. So the avoid rubbish codes in your website, screwed up tables or layout, then just script the absolute variables in a plain text editor as Notepad.
All my pages are created in notepad, and i got a big fat HTML reference book that sits beside the computer…
But lots of ppl like editors, and if the program is good and you know it well, it can speed up the process, especially when working with javascripts and php stuff…
Blend on, and blend well!!!
I do web work and editors are quite valueable for hammering out an idea… however, nothing beats Your Text Editor Of Choice for getting a site to look the way you’d like. Give me plain text and (if I can get it) syntax highlighting and I’m a happy monkey.
a good WYSIWYG editor is an oxymoron.
I personally like something as follows I have seen come from dreamweaver
(this is psuedo-code, I don’t have the exact javascript offhand)
if IE {
document.location = "blah";
} else if netscape {
document.location = "blah";
} else if opera {
document.location = "blah";
} else {
document.location = "blah";
personally I use frontpage because of how it supports tables, and because I spell css properties wrong so often, and because of it’s color chooser.
Other than that I use Kate (linux) and wordpad and notepad (depends on the newline of the file)
wow. I was beginning to think that I was the only one who still did webpages in notepad. Good to see that there are some others out there.
I would recommend dreamweaver, it’s probably what you want if you need advanced features without programming, although by the time you learn it well enough to make good pages, you probably could have learned most of html and a little javascript.
I learned web design in simpletext (notepad:windows :: simpletext:mac) and I haven’t ever met up with an editor that can compete. Even if you could get the same result in an editor, the document size would be about twice what would be produced by an efficient coder.
There’s not really anywhere where you would find an advanced and FREE WYSIWYG editor. As valarking said, a “good WYSIWYG editor” is an oxymoron. Sorry I know this doesn’t help, but it’s the truth.
I’ve only ever created webpages through the source, and I love it. It provides SOOOO much more stability and control over webpages. HTML is extremely easy to learn, as well is JavaScript and CSS.
I strongly recommend this book for learning JavaScript. Indespensible and well worth the money.
A really powerful and completely free HTML editor is HTML-Kit. It’s quite complicated, but it’s jam-packed with literally hundreds of kickass features, and hundreds more can be added with downloadable plugins. The download is also only 3.1 MB. You can also configure pretty much every aspect of HTML-Kit as well. Damn, I love this program!
I’m probably going to get hate mail for this… but I’ve been using Serif Webplus 6.0 which is available free for download from here.
It’s fine for laying out nice simple web pages (will do sidebars, tables and so on). The HTML is probably pretty messy, but that didn’t really worry me so much.
I’m not sure it could really be described as good though! Just free! (and a bit of a pain to download).
when creating web sites maybe someone considers :
there are quite a lot of ppl in the world owning a K6 or even 486
having a more or less stable modem connection
(africa china india etc.)
they love to wait for hours downloading until a webpage says that the plug-in does not work on their machine
i once looked at dreamweaver generated code with all thoose
tables and helper images to get a absolute pixel layout.
the idea of maintaining something like this made me sick for 3 days.
WYSIWYG editors for websites sucks, because you have to learn the interface, buttons, find the places where to find options or functions and much more. And what do you have to learn on notepad?? Nothing, just know how to type text.
With notepad you do however have to learn html, which isn’t something I’m interested in!
Lol, Learning html is much easier as finding all the buttons and learn an editor for 100%.
best program in the world.
its NOTEPAD, on steroids!!!
basicly its a hand coding software package that provides a built in preview window similar to a wysiwyg editor, but without the drag and drop picture things.
took me 1 week to learn HTML and produce my first site, this is becasue the program has automatic table insertion, rollover image inserition. one click java scripts etc…
as close to a wysiwyg editor, but with the added advantage of not spitting out BS code.
my current website (the second one i have ever made) was done entirely with this software. my website works on all browsers.
i totally recomend this software. it makes learning html a breeze.