Google Bodybrowser - Nice anatomy study tool

Well, google knows no boundries, so after google maps, world, sky and ocean we go in the other direction :smiley:

The page needs webGL support, so either the latest google chrome, or FF4 beta and there are also instructions how to get safari up to the task.

You can show labels for muscles and bones, organs and stuff, you can either peel the human like an onion or selectively turn on the various layers.

I think it is a great tool for organic modelling to get a hang of anatomy, muscle layers and bone structure.

No nudity, the lady wears asexual underwear. I got no idea though if you can switch to a man somehow :smiley: but doesnt matter, besides a broader pelvis, some difference in the reproductive organs and some additional fat the anatomy is identical anyways :smiley:

Cool, will have to check it out. :slight_smile:

naww, in ff4.0b7 it all renders as flat black, no lighting/shading. :frowning:
already reported trough feedback though, so, hopefully will be solved. :slight_smile:

works fine for me in ff4.0b7 on my desktop with GS250 video card
crashed my laptop though with Intel onboard video

i’d try this if there were more options to view it on besides beta versions of FF and chrome. As if the web isn’t buggy enough.

On the other hand, maybe it’s worth a little pain in the ass to get a nice anatomy viewer for free… yep. :slight_smile: