google will win the fight with bing. i hope
yahoo and microsoft have created bing wich they say will be better than google.
try it, google still has more results!
The number of results is meaningless. It is the relevency of the results that is important to me. A search engine can find as many results as it wishes but if the answer I want is not in the first, or if I’m generous, 2nd page, its failed for me. People should also learn how best to use a search query to give them the result they want. No-one, including MS, are expecting them to get near the market penetration of Google, but every % point gives huge additional revenues.
I find Bing gives some good answers and any real competition to google can only be a good thing.
I’ve been using google since it was in beta, but I agree that competition would be a good thing.
I did my own little test on Tuesday. I noticed that the flags on the US Capital and the House office buildings were at half-staff, wanted to know why. So I did a search on google and bing, using the same terms (IDK what they were exactly now, something like “US Capital flag half mast July 27 2009”). Bing failed miserably - nothing on the first page was anything beyond fairly general flag stuff and ads for flags. Google delivered 3 or more results on top that told me July 27th is one of those specific days when the flag is flown at half-staff to commemorate the ending of the Korean War. YMMV.
Is it true that google is planning to get into the computer market?
I know that they are developing their own operating system, and have made 2 others in the past…
I was ecited when I heard that Google was making an OS, but recently, Iv’e heard that what they’re making is just a new Linux distribution.
The word from google themselves:
“The software architecture is simple — Google Chrome running within a new windowing system on top of a Linux kernel.”
Some names we could try to bring the two together:
Or a few we could try to make a new search engine:
or use blender:
Just ideas for my two cents worth.
Oh wait!!! This is the best!!!
A combination of Yahoo, Google & Bing!!!
Yingle or Yoogle ???
How’s that ?
I have to say that I’m very dissapointed with Bing. I’ve tried using it a few times and their results were terrible! You just have to know how to search on google properly and you’ll get the right results, but I have to admit… the Bing commericials are hilarious, if you havn’t seen them Google it.
binging it, doesnt really work, google is still better!!
Google is a fairly good search engine, gives me a lot of stuff I’m looking for when searching for things.
I don’t think Google has to worry until Bing can deliver superior search results.
I think that using some sort of “PageRank”-type system, Bing could probably match Google for good results. I did a bunch of research for a project a few years ago, and found that the “major” search engines all gave pretty much the same results - though I liked the google interface better.
I think if Bing really wants to compete, it will have to try to be better than google on those “searches” for which users just want a simple answer. Such as “823.4PI”. Google and Bing see that it is a simple math equation, and the first result is the expression, and then the product, 588.106. Cool! If you want a search engine which really knows this stuff, go to:
The way I see it…
Blender developers have to beg for money from the user community to be able to buy compilers/OS so the Blender Foundation can release software that runs on windows.
Google gives money to students so they can work on blender during their summer vacation.
I think it’s safe to say where my search queries, err…ad revenue generating page views are going.
Google loads faster on dial-up!
does that mean flickr now belongs to Microsoft… eeeewwwwww
please say it’s not true…
I don’t think that yahoo have anything to do with bing, i think its an msn search engine.
no, yahoo have replaced thair search engine for bing, or thats what i was told.
I love and hate google at the same time. I’m glad they want to push Microsoft of his #1 position, but I’m afraid google will act the same as microsoft is doing for years: try to rule other companies at different levels. I love the search engine and gmail is also quite good, but buying youtube and develop an own OS system? I think google will abuse its position in 10 years. I support open source, but not open source that’s looking for domination.
For financial reasons, I hope Google crushes all others. I’ve enjoyed several #1 rankings for my business for several years. I’m #2 in Bing for the same search terms, which isn’t terrible, but an irritating competitor is #1. 90% of my business comes from having those #1 rankings. Spread thin? Sure…Working on spreading out…
I’m writing this because I feel like a lot of other individuals and businesses out there have spent a lot of time or money (just time in my case) on getting high rankings in Google. Bing is a threat to the status quo. SEO (search engine optimization) companies are doubtless working hard to figure out Bing…
But at the same time, I only like the fact that Google has a huge market share of searches because it makes me $$. If I was on the losing end (as I am with yahoo searches), I’d be outraged, and rant about monopolies.
Google is and will be for the foreseeable future my home page. It loads far faster than just about any other page on the net and has exceptional usage value. Just went to Bing and there was a noticeable loading time. This is likely due to the pointlessly large background image and other pointless Micro$oft backend bull.
It’s a search engine FFS! Bing = M$ bloat imo.
I use broadband at home, but often end up using mobile internet and load times are an important issue that M$ doesn’t seem to care about. The philosophy seems to be “huge amount of pointless features = usability”. This is sooo not true.
It would be difficult for M$ to compare with Google for result accuracy, and they would need to beat Google hands down for me to use it.
Having said all this… Google is becoming almost as much of a behemoth as M$. Monopolies are never a good thing in the long term.