Gore-bot - GIMP + Wacom - Now with 100% more scene!

A quick (~40 min) concept sketch of a very derivative angular robot with a cheesy glow-over effect. Nice break from intensive blending…

GIMP and Wacom:


C&C welcome…


I like those legs… seem very powerful! And overexposed effect isn’t cheesy. :stuck_out_tongue: I like those anyways, it does bring a certain object in focus. :stuck_out_tongue: In real life with a photo, the background, especially sky is always overexposed in order to have dark objects to show up. Hence, it’s not so cheesy.

Anyways, are you going to blend that in blender? That’d be interesting.


Yeah - the light bleeding effect is real world, and I also like it (hence having used it!), but it is used an awful lot… and sometimes unjustifiedly - for example below I used it (because it looked better with it) in the second version, despite the scene being underexposed - meaning the sky should be correctly exposed- at that brightness it would light the scene up!:rolleyes:

As for blending it… most likely not, I have other blender projects that will take my time at the moment, but were I a faster modeler than I am I would do it.

I decided, however, to put it in a bit of a scene. Good practice for me on an area that I am especially weak at. I ended up with two versions that I liked.

Apologies for the scourge of jpeg compression.

