Got some ai test. lay it out then

I want ai tests to be at one place. So awryone who are resertchin ai can be inspired. :slight_smile:
It can be fun.

I got a ai test.
File type .rar

if you dont got win rar get it here

If you got some ai test lay it out then :wink:

ai+test.part2.rar is blank.

but the part1 is amazing… :stuck_out_tongue:

That’s some pretty nice AI NOR.j, i think it could still be better, but it is a very nice example of how to do it.


:smiley: Great AI, they even go upstairs. I relly like it, I thik I’ll implanate it into my car AI. :slight_smile:

Thx. I have worked on it some few days.(getting better and better :smiley: )

I lay out some new test`s soon :slight_smile: (the ray is real usefull :stuck_out_tongue: )

Yeah, the ray is very usefull, but it also have some problems. Like when a character walk suddenly a bit trough the wall, the empty with ray sensor won’t work anymore, so if you make a long plane, and add the ray sensor to it, the character can still use the ray sensor, even it goes a bit trough walls.

I also made a little pic which shows the in theory, how to set up a car-ai: