Governator wants to be the Presidentor

Actor-turned-Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger yesterday left the door wide open to a future White House bid as he touted a proposed constitutional amendment to let foreign-born Americans like himself run for president.
The Constitution says only native-born Americans can run for president, but Sen. Orrin Hatch (R-Utah) is pushing an amendment to extend eligibility to anyone who has been a citizen for 20 years.

“Man, I should look at that, because it sounds really good,” the Austrian-born Schwarzenegger told NBC’s Tim Russert. “I mean, are you going to help me? Come on, Tim. Come on.”

Wow I think Arnold is trying to change things to fast. I heard he tried to change somthing else, I cant quite think of it at this moment, not to long ago.

good on him.


I’d leave it this way.


I’d leave it this way.[/quote]

Well understandably if a citizen of 20 years at least 35 years of age were acually qualified to become president I say all for it, but as it stands this tool would not be put to good use, and a person like ah-knee would be the only one to take advantage of it.

Therein lies the reason to not bother changing this.

I would at least prefer people were raised here for some time, it just seems like you’d be more in tune to the country that way. I really hope Arnold doesn’t try for president, the fact that he made it to governor makes me feel weird.

americans really don’t need the Terminator as the goverinator yet alone their presidentor. they actually need someone who knows how to do more than smile and say “hello people, I am arnold”

These restrictions were put there for a reason, and I think it would be foolish to change them because of one man. If there is a problem with the constitution, it should be changed, but it should not be ammended to allow for one man to become president. Changing the constitution is a serious issue, and it should not be done without considering the full consequences that will follow, not just what sounds good at the moment.

And just to clarify: the president doesn’t need to be a native-born citizen, he just needs to be a citizen at birth (anyone born in US, or anyone born to US citizens anywhere in the world)

PS I live in Sacramento, California (the capital) and the whole govenor thing is nuts. There’s been talk lately that Arnold might set up a residence in the old govenors mansion, which is just a few miles from my house. We’d almost be neighbors-- I wonder if he’d let me borrow a cup of sugar?

You never know until you try. :smiley:


Sure why not. The only difference between actors and politicians is that actors have actually done something with their lives while politicians have devoted their lives to ruining America.

oh well


Heh Demolition Man aired on British TV over the weekend, with Stallone making a reference to Arnie being the President of the US. Not too far off the mark.

He’ll be back anyway.


That was my first thought after Schwarz told about his intention to win the recall! My look was very similar to the one of Stallones - "President Arnold Scharzenegger?" LOL!!! Well see in the next few years how he manages to handle the governor`s role.

how could he be worse than bush jr?

How could he be worse than anyone up on the hill! And we won’t just have Kallifornya, we’ll have Amerrika too.


Make him go away

I first heard about this back when he first announced his run for Governator. I haven’t really follwed his governancy, but last I heard he was going to basically pardon the power companies for the way they overcharged customers. The last thing my country (that’s right Arnie, I said MY, I’m a citizen and part owner so all you politicians work for ME and don’t you forget it. please excuse rant) needs is another President in the pocket of the big money Oil and Power guys.


Sorry you can’t get another kind, guess where the candidates get their campaign money from…
That’s simply how it is, what you call freedom and democracy is that those with much money sre in control.
If you would split up and treat every state as their own country it maybe would lead to some real domocracy* in some states, but I doubt it since we don’t even have that here.

*Democracy = people in charge. Real democracy in this post: The decicions has to be supported by a majority of the people.

When money is split up evenley between people America will no longer be a democracy but a socialist country pretty much what Russia tried… didn’t work out to well. Oh and then when you treat each state as its own country it will be a disastor because some states need money from the feds.
I agree about how people with money are in control but thats how its always going to be so you gotta either live with it or live your life protesting against it.

I did not get the impression that Arnold was being entirely serious when he made that comment.

Let’s see what he can do with California. That’s quite enough of a task for anyone to take on, and I admire him for having the brass to do it even though I wonder how anyone could be successful at it. His best move will be to “bloom where he is planted.”

Soviet did have dictatorship that’s a difference. But you are probably right we will never get real democracy. I was just amused that you saw something strange in that Arnold was nice to companies with much money (those with the real power) as everyone else is.

Oh and about Russia you think that they have it much better now? In the past (dictatorship, communism) they couldn’t choose what to eat, what to work with, what to think or how much. The government administered everything, from works to thoughts.
Now they are free, they can think freely, speak freely choose how much and what to eat, choose what to work with and yet many of them thought it was better before the fall of the soviet union, why?
Because: There is no work and the food is expensive. Before they got exactly as much the government thought that they should have, now many get nothing!

Socialism is when the workers has the power. That is quite democratic in my opinion. although I don’t think just workers should rule everyone should have their part in how the world works. The more decentralized the better, if you got the decisions close it’s easier to make a good one.

Strange thing to call it democracy when only people with money has power… %|

Edit: Sorry that i write so much, I blame it on my parents, they are politicians(the green party in sweden)…