So ok. I have bought PC equipped with super-heavy-duty GPU card (32GB) with sole goal of rendering from Blender. Ive setup everything (OS + needed apps) the way I see fit. Everything works fine, but …
I dont see the option to allocate certain ammount of GBs for dedicated use by Blender.
Now:: Im knowledgeable enough to code it myself. And will do it meaning will modify souirce code accordingly, but will not share anywhere.
yeah, using assembler language when there is no button in Blenders UI to assign nVRAM to rendering seems to be the only option.
I can perfectly see why you don’t want to share this. Those superpowers don’t belong in the hands of stupid mortals.
Blender will use however much VRAM it needs to render the scene, no more, no less. The amount of memory used is directly related to the density of the scene and the resolution of the textures you use. There are some options in the Performance settings that will supposedly use more memory to reduce render times but I’ve never really noticed much of a difference using them.
Also, if you can tell me what this amazing GPU is that has 32GB of non-volatile RAM is, I’d me thankful. I thought I was a bit of a tech head, but this development must have slipped by me.
i’m about 65% sure the “i will change blender in some way and will not share anywhere” part isn’t exactly how GPL license works. Some studios ditch blender specifically because they can’t keep the source code of whatever they make to themselves. either keep your cards close to the chest or publish the modification when you do it.
Sry, but no. He can do whatever he want to do with his code. Brag about it, sell it or send it to world for Christmas. The one thing he is obliged to is, that if he publishes this in any way he has to make the code available if someone asks for it.
Since he’s going to do this in Assembler I doubt he will link to Blender anyway
I guess OP will write Cycles from scratch in assembly, to make sure default cube renders with all 32GB full and stuffed. But all jokes aside, I’m just as interested as others in what OP is really trying to achieve.