GPU rendering makes the computer lag

I have a nVIDIA GTX 970 with Intel Core i7 4770k and 32GB ram on Windows 10…

When I use Cycles GPU render my computer lags, when I look in Windows monitor CPU is only using 20% or so… I have the newest nVIDIA driver and Blender 2.78…

Has anyone else encountered this problem and how did you fix it? please help.:eek:

There really isn’t a ‘fix’. Yes, it’s lagging because your GPU utilization is at 99-100% and Windows is fighting to get frames rendered so things are going to feel slow while rendering is going on even though your CPU is fairly idle. This is compounded by the way that nVidia cards prior to Pascal handled multitasking workloads (i.e. not well)

Hi, there was already a patch for the problem in Blender but was reverted.
It gave to many problems with different/older cards.
I am also Octane user and there they have managed the problem.
It is only a matter of manpower and time to get this in to Blender.
Buy a cheap card for display only, GT 620/30 2 GB or Intel HD 3-5000 integrated cards should work fine, Blender does not use GPU features anyway.
This will come with Blender 2.8.

Cheers, mib

Thats a bummer, it does improve the render times significantly here. I do have a second GTX 660 inside of my machine, but picking that does the same… When is Blender 2.8 expected to release?

HI, I don´t understand, two cards improve render performance.
Two GTX 970 render double fast.
Switch off the display card during setup/render and you have no system lag, for final render enable both cards for Cycles.

Cheers, mib
P.S. No release date for 2.8, they work on it but it is not in a working stage.

This bug happens on better gpus too, i think it’s when the gpu not render enough fast for the cpu. See this video: . His interface lags too, while his gpu is really good. When i make a final render, my entire system lags for a few seconds. I don’t know why this happens, but maybe it will be solved over time.