gradient manga character


i’ll probably use this character in an animation.
More to come soon…

A very short animation using armature :
(divx 5.05 - no sound)

she got black on her, but good start wif de movement! very natural

I’ve deleted the black zones
another pic :

a new video :
(quicktime video) ( 1.66 Megs)
With sound this time , it’s the beginning of a videoclip.

Finnaly, giving an armature to a humankind is not so difficult.

I have to disagree with the animation part of it, that is completely not amusing… the camera movement is nice, the effect is nice, the sound coordination is wonderful, but the crits are.

Crit1, animation needs SOMETHING else (please)
Crit2, sountrack is too funky, get something cool (:þ)

nothing intended for offense, I’m just saying that the music, and that single couple of frames is ANNOYING


could you pm me a link to your .blend? I want to mess around with it :stuck_out_tongue:

I like the style, kind of, except that the head is black… doesn’t look right.
but the animation, that… is… well, what can I say, I didn’t understand anything, first I thought my player is broken… she doesn’t move much, but camera jumps all around the place… and shows the same thing many times…
I just dont get it?



Maybe some funky MTV ad?
Kool! I like it! Weird though… %|

Well… i guess i’ve missed my goal.

i wanted to make something betwenn
a) the simone video from Pleix
b) the GOB COITUS from lyynfox

That’s ok, i’ve began another project.
something submarine…
See you in another topic very soon !