Grand Touring Car

Heres a Grand touring car i’m working. Decided to create my own design from scratch using a few inspirational pics. Theres still quite a lot of fixing and refining to do though such as the rear end, wing mirror and bonnet.


More pictures due to the limit


Got some work done on the bonnet and the rear end of the car.


Looking great! The topology is also prety nice :slight_smile:

Finished my exams so finally got sometime to do some modelling. Redesigned the wing mirrors and started work on the interior of the front lights. Also does anyone have any good tips on how to design good looking grills? I’m currently using a transparent texture.

Picture 1, Picture 2, Picture 3, Picture 4

Finally finished the modelling. Here are some test renders using luxrender. They are a bit out of date since i’ve modified the geometry slightly in some areas. My computer is really slow, so making new renders wouldn’t have been a good use of time since the changes are small.
Moving on to UV textures now. If anyone has any good tutorials could you please post them since it will be my first time using/making UV’s.


Heres my latest render. Trying to get the main body material to look more metalic but its not going so well at the moment. Also gave up using luxrender may try using it again later.


Decided to change the colour scheme to orange and blue to match the blender symbol colour scheme.

Comments, advice and criticism always welcome


Update. Happy with the results but need second opinions need to put decals on the car now.


Couldn’t sleep so started work on the decals. Also decided to change the bonnet to a carbon fibre texture.


I like it!