Here’s a quick example of a simple 2d graphic advert made 100% with Blender. Rendered in Cycles. Funny using an advances raytracing pathtracer to render simple graphics like this
It’s in Danish though
Here’s a quick example of a simple 2d graphic advert made 100% with Blender. Rendered in Cycles. Funny using an advances raytracing pathtracer to render simple graphics like this
It’s in Danish though
This is really cool and well done! Do you have any sort of process you can show?
Really nice! And very informative. Love the simplistic graphics you’ve used and the way you switch between them. Only thing that had me a little confused was when you coloured Sjælland blue and the ocean white… Made me have to do some puzzles in my head
I used a few techniques throughout. All the models are just flat models, though some of them have several levels of depth. Like flat cards. Pretty easy to do. Lit with an HDRI.
For the animation, much of it is lines or pipes filling up. I used curves and the Bevel End feature to animate them in or filling up. For the kind of smooth motion graphics-style movement of objects and camera I made heavy use the Quartic Easing keyframes to make the ease in/out ultra smooth. Also lots of objects moving along simple curves, or using curve deform modifiers. You can get really far using these tools.
Lots of fade in/out using simple cycles material mixing. Had to watch out for artefacts when there are many transparent materials overlapping though, as you get weird ghosts and shadows if the transparency bounces is set too low. But if you set them really high, render times go through the roof! Almost comically high in fact when the style is so simple So it’s a good idea to remove items that are 100% transparent to alleviate this issue by either moving them off screen, scaling them to 0 or moving them to an unused layer. Or avoid too many transparent things.
Smoke is just particles modified by a lattice. Then using a gradient ramp to animate the scale of the particles. Setting this up is surprisingly complicated for such a simple effect. Particles in general are a bit of a nightmare, there’s no good way to animated the emmission rate, and having to constantly adjust the total particles # every time you want to make the particles go for longer or shorter is silly. Any kind of animation that occurs for each individual particle is hard/impossible. Other apps deal with particles in much nicer ways, where if you instance something as a particle, it animates in each particles own time space, not the global time. Even doing the most simple stuff with particles leads to hair-pulling
Breagha: Hehe, yes, good point. I can see why that’s confusing.
Wow! Very impressive! Great style and great animation!!