graphicall builds or blender

Are Graphicall Builds from Blender or are they built by others and distributed by others.
Or do they work together with the blender foundation?

Reason for Editing: is an official site.

The builds on graphicall are from people who can compile Blender on their given platform and have been approved for an account on graphicall. I have an account and upload builds for Mac OSX under the Optimized Blender Foundation section and am not associated with the Blender Foundation in any way.

The difference between downloading a build from and is that the Blender Foundation releases official builds every so often (Approx every few months) and these are builds requested by the Blender Foundation from their official builder list. Graphicall on the otherhand has builds being posted more regularly by builders who have an account on Grapicall.

The official builds usually have less bugs and are generally, not always, more stable as the Blender Foundation focuses on only releasing official builds when the bug counts are low and they’ve tested for show stoping errors. Whereas the builds on Graphicall have all the latest changes, features and bugs and bug fixes and while Blender in general is quite a stable program these development builds are sometimes unstable.

Best thing I did was to stop downloading stuff from graphicall and start building blender myself. Building in my own machine got me rid of a lot of frustration regarding versioning of libraries. I’m using Ubuntu, though.

It is great to be able to build Blender for yourself and is something every experienced Blender user should know.

some will be the same but more up to date. jester king has some builds on graphicall and also compiles the official versions of blender for windows for i believe.

If you want to use Blender for puppeteering (dragging the mouse around to capture animation) I recommend a graphicall build because the devs recently fixed a crash that shows up if you free-rotate while capturing keyframes. Other than that 2.56 is very stable and nearly up to date. But that’s always going to be true :wink: