don't support resume downloads?

I wish to download a recent Blender build from and unfortunately I can’t achieve this because my connection to internet is slow (HSPA/UMTS limited download to 15 KB/s) and the download is stopping from time to time, but every-time I want to resume the download, seems that the download instead to be resumed is just starting over from the beginning. :frowning: I tried with different browsers and even used download managers, but seems nothing is working. And unfortunately this is getting to worse because the builds are every time bigger and bigger, so for the future I think that only the fortunate Hi-speed connection users will have access to the builds from Please post if you have a solution for this.

Have you tried
Free download manager?
It seems to work.

I will give a try. Tried before VisualWget and uGet.

Ok. I downloaded Free Download Manager and this is what I’m getting when the download has stopped:

"23:04:36 2011-08-16 Starting download…

23:18:21 2011-08-16 Server does not support download resuming. Don’t stop this download; otherwise you’ll have to start it from the beginning
23:18:21 2011-08-16 Stopped "

I wonder how difficult is for the team to add support for download resuming.

Yep, I had the same problem. +1 to resumable download.