what would b u r recommendation for a economical graphics card/128-256 mb for a asus-a8nvm mobo. need it 'cos the onboard vga graphics chipset-nvidia 6100 tends to blow a fuse when i render for a long period. i am in india and would need to look around…
i would go for a budget nvidia, im using a geforce 6800GS 256MB DDR and it rocks in blender, my system cant keep up with it though :rolleyes:
i bought this card for about £100 a few months ago, but i think you could get a 7600/ 7800 GS for around that price now, im not sure if there PCIE or AGP though
Well, the motherboard seems to have PCI-express. So I might go for a 7600GT, 7900GS or 7900GT. It is micro atx motherboard so unless you have an ATX case you probably can’t have a passive cooled version of the graphics card because it needs an external fan… which most probably cannot be fit in a micro atx case.
Hear hear, two 7600 SLI PCI express almost beat a 7900 for half the price. Best thing is you have to buy only one and can wait for a bargain for the second card. Sounds fair enough to me.
I doubt ANY micro atx have a sli.
thanx 4 all the comments…though i did not understand 3d penguin’s comment @ using 2 cards. what would u need if u need to render in blender for 2-3 days straight. my cabinet not a micro-atx()in any case…its large enough. let me have u r opinions asap