Grass Growing from Underneath Plane.

I’ve been pulling my hair trying to figure out why my group particles are growing from beneath the plane. I’ve tried “setting to scale,” moving the grass origin on the other layer, and playing with all the particle settings. I’m a bit of a noob so I hope I’m missing something obvious and this isn’t a real problem. Heres a screenshot of whats happening:

Any help would be greatly appreciated! :wink:

Have you checked your face normals are all pointing in the same direction.
Option to display normals in edit mode in properties panel (N)
Ctrl+N recalculates normals of selected faces
W / Flip Normals flips the normals of selected faces

For further help come back with an example blend file that you didn’t bother to include in your original post

Grass.blend (884 KB)

I tried the Ctrl+N in edit mode as well as the flip with no luck… This is my first time working with particles and this is my intro to understanding it so I’m not exactly clear what normals even are. I’ve attached my blend file above.

I’ve sent blender file I believe. Let me know if it didn’t go through.

Your origin on the blades is in the middle of each blade of grass. The system emits from the origin.

  1. Select a blade of grass and tab into edit mode
  2. Select (right click) the vertex where you want the origin to be (At the base)
  3. Hit shift-s choose “Cursor to selection”. The 3-d cursor should move to the location of that vertex.
  4. Tab into object mode. In the tools panel (hit t) on the left, under ‘tools’ click the ‘Set origin’ button and choose ‘Origin to 3-d cursor’ The origin of that blade of grass will now be at the base and it will emit properly.

Do that to all your blades.

That was it thank you so much! What a relief!