Here is some grass I made. Please critique.
little bit too much chaos, but further it looks realy nice.
Looks great!!!I have no cretique;)
Looks pretty good, but I’d soften up the clumping, that is, make the clumps a little straighter.
Thanks for your replies. I will get rid of the chaos and the clumping then (:.
is it me, or did you add dof. The front seems a little fuzzy.
Graphix: yes I used dof it is not just you. (:
How? I need to know how you made this.
I have judged it very carefully but didn’t get anything negative, its near to natural grass and in fact better than that. great job dude…
Good starting scene. The grass looks like it is being blown about all over the place and that would not happen in the real world. It would all swirl round and not just clump together in little sections.
Andrew Price at blender Guru did a good tutorial of grass if your still looking?
Looks good but I’d be tempted to put the occasional small weed in there and maybe bits of dead tree leaves.
It looks like carpet.
I agree with Bliz. Grass always has weeds or even different grass types (unless it is a golf green or something). What if you duplicated it 2 or 3 times and on each duplicate created a different grass type or model? You could probably keep the total particle count the same just divide it equally amongst the duplicates.
Looks good though.
Well, actually I think that you added too much dof. In fact I’m unsure why you added it in the first place.
It looks like carpet.
It looks great but at this close-up I have to agree. To me that’s only the thin strands looking synthetic. They look like great synthetic make no mistake though. From a wider shot it probably wouldn’t appear that way. Great job I’d love to be able to make grass like that.