Graswald Promotional Artwork

Can you show an opengl camera screen shot of the image from post #16?

Man, I don’t want to kill the buzz on this. It’s astounding and inspirational work. And Yukon’s dedication to conservation and environmentalism is fantastic.

I’ve seen a lot of photorealism, and I happen to know that organic materials are ~10 times tougher to pull off than inorganic. The render in post #16 is one of the best renders I have ever seen in my life (in any render engine). I guess I’m just wondering if some objects are image planes?

Of course, I understand! I just wanted to post the blend screenshot with the final version together, but needed some more time :wink:

Here you’ll have the (probably) final version and the opengl render:


As good as it gets… Best promo you could ever do. Now sell it.

Finished another one yesterday, this took me only two hours:

Stellar. Really beautiful. Heck, you could recreate a whole forest and meadows. So sell it

The add-on is still in a bug fixing stadium so I’m afraid you have to wait a little more :stuck_out_tongue:

No drama. standing by

Little preview on how the add-on is going to work:

sold …

Sold here too. What new possibilities in photorealism.

it’s amazing the work you did to make us believe these pictures are renders but I’m not falling for it :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

Is it possible to use custom objects with this addon too?

Yap, not right now though, but we planned it and it is possible.

Btw. I published the final version of the image on the bottom. Check it out:

Would you mind posting the opengl render through the camera, so that it matches the render? The one in #23.

Grasswald, here is one of finest tributes to blender. Aside from the immense artistic labor involved

So what is the price? Or what will be the price?

Farewell, real life Photography … Nikon and Canon can now shut down their manufactories :wink:

Excellent work Yukon. Will this by put on Blendermarket, or traded via your own trading platform, Website etc?


And @LaciLaci86 while it isn’t currently possible to directly use custom objects right now, you can, with a moderate amount of work, turn your assets into a Graswald package and install them. That way they are fully integrated and show up inside the selection species panels.

The render in #23 is perhaps the best render I have ever seen in cycles. It is astonishing and beyond photoreal.

The opengl screenshot you provided (at a non-matching camera angle) however could not have created the render, as the leaves on the tree are clearly in different positions. The mossy silhouette of the tree is also fundamentally different.

I’ll ask again, and it’s a pretty simple request, would you mind posting an opengl render, through the camera, of the scene that produced this render?