well as seen in the avi’s the rotation isn’t perfect but it is being worked on, as is adding more bounds for other shapes.
also if you’re makign your own files with the ODE in them remember that the floor is automatically set at 0 so make sure all affected bounds are above zero or else you’ll have problems
well you stick the DLL into the blender folder, load up the blend file and hit alt+P int he text window.
now because of a problem with Object.Link(ipo) you have to manually add the ipo to each object. so IpoSphere would be attached to the sphere and IpoCube would be attached to the cube.
it should… although you will have to write the gamelogic script for it since i don’t do game engine stuff.
The ODE will work for any version of Windows Blender because its a seperate library. all one would have to do is modify the Blender module script for the different versions as the 2.28a api is different.
there ya go, stop bugging me… my wife doesn’t even complain this much… and i’m probably goign to get hurt for saying that… make that i will get hurt… she’s coming this way… NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! claws at door frame as he’s dragged away
Ok don’t keeeellll me … OSX works like Unix ( as it is unix ) and I cp’d the ode.py to my /usr/lib/python2.2
AND I copyed the folder inside of blender.app to the blender dir area folder…
plus the other file…
and I get this
Using a clean Global Dictionary.
Run Python script “ode.py” …
Traceback (most recent call last):
File “/usr/lib/python2.2/ode.py”, line 22, in ?
import ode
File “/usr/lib/python2.2/ode.py”, line 121, in ?
world = ode.World()
AttributeError: ‘module’ object has no attribute ‘World’
well considerign that the MacOS version works on things like sun and freebsd and whatnot i don’t know if they read zips. if they don’t then i’d have alienated them