Gravity help

How can i make artificial gravity in blender 2.49? for example; i will like to make a space station, and whend the charecter gos out of the spaceStation there is no gravety ,but inside the spacestation there is gravity. so how can i came this effect in blender 2.49?

What you could try doing is adding an upward force exactly opposite your gravity when you are outside the station.

You could add forces to each object within a given volume.

But I advice a different mehtod, which fits much better for Gaming:

  • have an inside scene with gravity
  • have an outside scene without gravity

if the camera is inside: place the outside scene as background scene
if the camera is outside: place the inside scene as background scene.

All objects passing the “border” of the gravity should

  • be removed/hidden from the current scene and
  • their counterparts in the other scene should be added/shown at the location of the previous objects.

I assume there are not that much objects that passes this border. So there shouldn’t be that much work. It is usually just the palyer (and maybe enemies).