Whenever I move my character up stairs, it throws me back down to the bottom and I slide on the ground like it’s ice. Also when I bump into a wall, it pushes me back and I slide. What option affects this? Thanks
I have this problem at the moment with my FPS rig (the sliding); you need to change the friction and perhaps even the mass to something suitable (also try enabling “anisotropic friction” in physics buttons and/or editing the friction settings in the material [the “DYN” button next to “RGB”, never knew why it was put there, perhaps if you had something like a carpet texture, you might want to make all carpet high friction?]) , as for the slingshot back down the stairs, is the character struggling up the stairs too?
This may happen if you rely on raw physics and the stairs are too steep, try adding a forward facing ray to detect stairs, and when positive make it add a small upward component to the walking (a bit hacky but it gets the job done :o) or perhaps review the bounds settings (I’d use convex hull for stairs, or even no collision and have a seperate box parented to the stairs and rotated with “box” bounds, to lower the overhead :D)
Haha wow alot of this is over my head!
My game is FPS also, I am guessing Blender just hates FPS? I will do my best to follow your steps when I get home from work.
It’s a tiny bit slow when climbing the stairs, the steps are low, but when I stop holding forwards I get pushed backwards
rather quickly and when I land on the ground plane it’s just like ice.
Well, Bullet Physics (Blenders physics engine) was originally developed for arcade-style racers on PS3, so the vehicle wrapper received more attention (it seems) in it’s development. The ice problem happens frequently if you don’t change the physics settings, and the getting pushed back seems to fit with the problematic bounds… I don’t know how your rig works, but if you use Convex Hull as the physics bounds, and add a “bevel” on the physics bound mesh it should “slide” up the stairs depending on their steepness (That’s how I circumnavigated this problem in my game :P)
Ok I know how to convert to Convex Hull, I am guess bevel in a normal bevel by using ‘W’.
If it doesn’t seem to work, I will upload a blend file if needed.
No! ahh, don’t use boolean tools :o I meant this kind of thing:
wasn’t the greatest explanation granted… :o
I managed to mess everything up now. Now when I play everything is solid white, and if I do textured view, and turn to the left, the entire screen goes blank. Don’t know how I managed to mess all that up.
Tried a couple things with the stairs, still isn’t working. Here is the blend file if you could take a look?
fpsgame.blend (809 KB)
EDIT: Did manage to discover the lighting issue, it’s the GLSL material setting
Yeah, I’m also working on a game… just for fun to get a handle on the BGE.
I’m following a tutorial actually, step by step, but my blender doesn’t behave the same as in the tutorial.
I am dealing with a bounding box that I want dynamic physics to apply to; the main armature is parented to this cube.
This is for moving the character around in space. It works good… except for jumping. You have to use dynamic physics so that your cube will come back down to the ground after it goes up into the air, I get the concept.
When I turn on dynamic physics, my character goes absolutely bonkers… he shoots off into space instantly OR, if i change the properties of the ground plane, he kind of slides through it like it isn’t really there at all.
Is there a good tutorial for this kind of thing?
Any suggestions?
I have the same problem with the sliding player after touch the wall. Seriously noone knows the solution?
I find it’s useful to:
- Use servo motion for your motion actuator.
- When not moving through keypresses, activate a separate motion actuator that has no X, Y, and Z axis movements (and disable the corresponding normal motion actuator).
I think Haker knows how to fix it.
The physics can be a little buggy sometimes, if you upload a Blend I’d be happy to look at it if you want
Joeman hit the nail on the head with the armatures thing (although you have to make sure that EVERYTHING that is parented to the dynamic object uses has “Ghost” enabled, or is on “no collision” (for better performance)
A good thing about the Physics engine is that if you set an object to ghost, say, a player parented to a dynamic box, you can still use collision detection, even though your players object won’t move when hit by a bullet, you can still detect if it was hit…
(Have you put your player “on” the ground? If so, it’s possible the bounds are intersecting and causing the character to be thrown off into Blenders infinite, try raising the player so he has a little fall to the ground, if it works, gradually reduce the distance until you’re happy that he won’t fly away, but isn’t “skydiving” to the floor)
By changing the properties (I assume you mean physics properties?) you alter the way the bounds interact with other physics objects, if your ground is just a plane, it’s physics won’t be good unless you use an appropriate bound type (convex hull or box); that is one part of Game development, finding the middle ground between jaggedy low-poly and CPU-killing high poly…
I also would suggest trying joemans “zero motion” actuator idea, although this may cause the player to quickly stop, perhaps at an undesired rate (A small amount of python would clear this quick-stopping up [I could make the script if you have no experience, but try other “lines of inquiry” first, you may be surprised, and learn something along the way :D])
I included a blend file above, can you check it out? It happens when you bump a wall too, slingshots you.
I’ve worked on it for two hours straight trying all kinds of settings.
here’s your Blend back, fixed ofc…
fpsgame.blend (787 KB)
I sorted the stairs out, I made a more efficient version on the first set, but kept the second as you made them, in case you wanted the old ones.
I had a look at your sound, too. You may want to download Audacity, you can edit your sound in all sorts of ways, and clip the silence from the beginning of the gunshot file… Also, you’d switched it to Shaded mode, textured mode was what it should have been…
fpsgame.blend (785 KB)
You’re awesome. Yeah I have been trying to get a repeat sound effect, for when you hold it down for automatic firing, but the sound refuses to obey. I will download Audacity and see what thats all about. Thanks again I owe you.
glad to help
Blah game engine doesn’t work on blender 64 bit
mmm… i’ve read what you’ve suggested Haker, and honestly i wasn’t able to follow.
currently, the ground plane object is ‘static.’ my understanding of this means that basically it won’t move and won’t be affected by other object that are moving into it.
as for the ‘no collision’ object, i’m not sure how to set this. i mean, i see the collision bounds checkbox in physics settings, but it’s not checked, so i would think that means that it is no collision by default?
i’ve made fairly sure that my bounding box isn’t intersecting with any other objects; for now i don’t really care if it’s a foot or two above the ground (relatively).
thanks a ton,
i would like to post a .blend file here, but it’s about 2.4 MB which is too big and .zip won’t work. is there any way we could talk offline and i send an email? my address is [email protected]