Grease pencil 3 - custom brushes with Gnodes

Blender grease pencil V3 is coming. And it is amazing! :smiley:
better layer management, better frame management and best of all: Geometry nodes!

Couldn’t wait. the material system is still a little bland. So I instanced image planes on each point, linking shader to attribute per instancs.

blender thinks this is audacious! every shader is slightly different per plane…
so after a few thousand points it’s startting to lag :frowning:

but it is a joy to play with. I hope procedural textures will one day come to GP materials :pray:

CHAD GP3 !!!


Wow! That’s is awesome features. Thanks for the info. Can’t wait for the release.

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It just gets deeper and deeper :smiley:
now I need a country sized 3D printer

…hmmm… went from worldbuilding to something smaller. Now i’ve got myself a german beach generator. Procedural gras, stones, plants, seashells, jellyfish and some handmodeled trash and a lighthouse…

grease pencil is great for scattering things because layers and a lot of attributes.

I think I can put this into wip now. GP3 is out of experimental and this has become an iterative quicksandy rabbithole anyway.
I can get some nice postcards out of it already.

Oh… But what is THIS MESS??
Some open source afficionados have left their trash on the beach??
Clean that up immediately and repent by donating to blender!!! NOW! **

*** then you are forgiven*

play around with it - still little rough and so much more to do