I am animating a line being drawn on, thinking of a bee chasing a man, that kind of line. The line I drew has the start and end point in the wrong direction so I switched them via Stroke/SwitchDirection. Great that did it… But now every time I edit that spline the direction switches back to the way it was built. Is this a bug? or is there something else I need to do?
I’m having a hard time understanding what it is you’re trying to do from you description. Could you elaborate a bit further? What are you trying to use the line’s direction to do? Do you have some screenshots to make it a bit more clear?
I have a character with bee’s swarming around him, I have decided to use Grease pencil to create the trails because I need a specific brush stroke style.
I draw a grease pencil spline and now I want a portion of that line to travel along the spline. So we only ever see 5% of the line. The approach I took to was to add two build modifiers one draws the brush on and the other erodes the tail end, this way I only every see 5% of the brush traveling along the spline.
The problem now is that it is starting from the wrong end. So in edit mode I turn on see “show direction” this tells me which direction the Grease Pencil spline is built and it is in the wrong direction. So then in edit mode I go Stroke/Switch Directions and this makes the brush travel in the direction I need. Great! But now if you decided to shape that Grease Pencil path using curve editing then the curve direction switches back. and this is very frustrating, and I am wondering if there is a way to make it keep the curve direction that I assigned it. Hopefully that explains things better?
I think what you want is to select the last vertex, R-click and set as start point (in Edit Mode) although i know that Switch direction should work with non-cyclic strokes.
No unfortunately that didn’t work for me either. I think this must be a bug.
How can we flag this to the Grease Pencil Blender developer?