Great idea for Geometry Nodes?

In the early computer days, late 70’s early 80’s, Cadtrak had a patent for XOR or the Boolean logical exclusive or for handling raster graphics. This caused a lot of problems for the major computer companies at the time, I think Commodore was sued for using it in the early 90’s. The US government should have never issued the patent, but at that time, they didn’t know anything about computers. :slight_smile:


There is many examples for ab-use of patents - copyrights. Lawyers can make patent very “broad” and effectively prevent others to make something similar. Read about some developer ( or company, can’t remember ), which make some nice algorithm or whatever, copy right it then abandon his software. But no one was able to continue develop or to make something similar because copyright are too broad.
Now some funny offtopic. Do you remember that many years ago one dude sell Blender? He rename Blender, make new UI, make some changes… and sell it as ‘original’ software. In this time I don’t use Blender but follow discussions about this issue. Many people was pissed with this, not only Blender users, because this was really $#1XXX move. He use, or try to use some loophole in law. Don’t know how on the end BF deal with this xxxx, but as far I know this imposter don’t exist these day. Some xxxx people don’t hesitate to use all meanings to gain money.

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My thoughts are about using a type of empty as an entry point for GN generators. The idea is to have kind of procedural generator. As a node tree, a GN generator could live happily in an asset. Without the need to have a dummy mesh object.
If generator node tree is imported as an asset, a ‘procedural generator object’ (kind of empty ) could be generated on the fly.

It would be nice, if GN parameters of an object could be marked and gathered for usage of the asset later. Kind of non-static assets with parameters.

My thoughts about Geometry Node generators are on RightClickSelect …

Ton has answered the question: