I give you the first episode of Great Planes of WW3, my poli-sci-fi seriel.
Made a trailer for it.
Trailer 2
I’m quitting BA. I’ll never bother to make another piece of animation again for anyone but myself. It took two years to make this, they won’t publish it at blender Nation, and the attitude here is that you are a bunch of plummers who just use blender to make a freelance buck, while you all sit around stroking your egos about pretty stillshots you’ve made.
I started using blender 12 wasted years ago, for self expression, because I’ve dreamed of being a filmmaker since I was 13. Learning blender and trying to be part of this community is the most enormous waste of time I’ve ever seen in my entire life.
Okay, I’m in the same boat as you, but only 1 year short. Here’s the thing. I’ve seen episode 1 from start to finish and there are a lot of things that could be improved on.
I don’t know if you ever going to come back to see this, but here are a few tips that could help.
Number 1: The movement. When it comes to animation, in 2d or 3d, you need a refrence of body movement to act the scene out. Get a camera, hit record and act the scenes out. That way you can improve on the movement of the characters. Also pay attention on how the face actually moves on camera.
Number 2: The lighting! That really needs to be improved. I understand it’s suppose to be a night scene.
Number 3: Camera angles. So far you have the 180 rule down. But you have to try some different camera shots in certain parts. For example, the talks on the phone. You can have a close up camera shot to make it seems like it’s a very personal call.
Number 4: The actual plot. So far the plot of the episode is so convoluted it’s hard to actually understand what the actual show is all about. You need to figure out what the story is all about and in how many episodes this is going to take to get to the final chapter.
When you make your first animation, it may not be a guaranteed hit. Trust me, I’ve made a couple of animations that didn’t make a splash either. But you can only go up from this point and improve your craft.