great website

this is a great website that is better designed than let me say. I think this is a much needed forum for blender artists. what do you people think?

I hope people will make good use of this forum.

My main reason to make this a UBB was because I find it perfect for people to post pictures in.

So please do so !! :slight_smile:

I would say its heaps better than in its design but of course I’m just a touch biased in that respect :wink:

well you’re not alone in that opinion gtman :slight_smile:

But ofcourse I might be a bit biased in that respect aswell.

I find this site extremly super cool. A very good forum and super design.
Unfortunately the galleries are not arrivable at the moment :frowning: , I hope this will change…, because then I will have a new love: :smiley: