I’ve got a complex story to tell which i would like to assist with some drawings.
I’m using 2.8 for this, and i kinda wonder how to do some things.
I got a collection with 2 greacePencil objects, how do i put one over another (as solid drawing).
tried moving inside collection up-down (doesn’t work), moving in dopesheet doesn’t seem possible either and moving up down in Material doesn’t do it too.
how to fadeout a drawing to white ?
can objects be edited in a loop, (ea vibrating hair, or transforming shapes), or does one have to redraw them on a each frame ?, back in adobe flash there was something called Twean, (2 drawing and it morphed between).
Unless you can’t bear the feeling of 2.79 Grease Pencil, don’t use 2.8 for that.
There is no warranty that a project made in 2.8, today, could be open in 2.8, tomorrow.
Main difference between 2.8 Grease Pencil and 2.79 Grease pencil is that in 2.8, Grease Pencil drawings are objects and no more 3D View properties.
In 2.79, there are layers. By ordering layers, you can set on drawing in front of another one and the only other problem is how to make grease pencil in front of 3D objects.
In 2.8, Layers are properties of the object. You can have one object with several layers and order these layers like in 2.79.
But you can also set a Grease Pencil object in front of other objects by using Depth Ordering setting under Viewport Display panel of Object Data tab.
Choice by default is 3DSpace. It means that you can just translate a GP object in Z Axis of View to place it before closer to camera.
You can put 2 different GP objects into 2 different collections and by ordering collections up-down in outliner, You can indicate a collection to take priority on another collection.
Just animate opacity property of a layer or a color modifier of the GP object.
No. Tools relative to 3D objects animation are handling looping. But Drawing tools for 2D animation does not, yet.
It does not mean that you are forced to redraw every frame. When a frame is drawn it can be duplicated in dopesheet.
You can copy and paste a sequence of drawn frames as much as needed.
But a Grease Pencil animation can not become a looped action strip.
i’l tryout your sugestions, i do understand 2.8 is still alpha.
Its not for something commercial for which i have to tell this story something private.
But Blender has been my drawing tool now for many years so it seamed a good chance to try it out .
Yes. That is default for list in blender UI. Adding a new item to list add it to the bottom of list.
You can invert this order.
I already explained how, here.
Unfortunately, there is a bug. Arrows buttons on the right, does not take the list ordering change into account.
So, you have to press down arrow button to move layer up.