Greek temple

Trying to learn use blender with yafray for a bigger project, so take this just as a learning sceane. Still quite not finished, i want to make the texture more dirty, maybe breake up on column, grass smaler and add some rocks and bushes around.
Anyway, latest render looks like this:

Grass with yafray? Ow, that’ll hurt.

Anyway, pretty much everything you said would’ve been a crit that I had, so woot.

Oh, wait though, unless all the grass is dead you should probably blend to a ‘darker earth’ texture.

Thanks for comment.
Heh, it sure takes long to compute the grass in yafray, but it looks so much better then ground with texture ^^ I was considering making the grass out of Ztransp planes with grass texture, but particle grass is so much easier to do ^^;
Yeah, i coul’d change the brightness of the ground texture… will look ono it.

So i have made few changes, let me know what do you think about the picture now.

Damn, starting to look good

yeah… starting… the problem is i don’t know what more to do… ^_^;;

Maybe you could add some flags or something… just little things that make it look more complete

don’t know. it’s supposed to be thousends or at least hunderts of years abandoned…

some ruins on the side maybe?

I was thinking of breaking one of the pillars :slight_smile:

Deffinitely break one of the pillars, add some cracks on the walls, add some debris around the buulding, add some ivy…

cool scene!