
Hello, I am new here at Elysium,…I wish I had more to share, but I recently lost a whole bunch of data. I have not done any serious work on a mesh since, but will get around to it as soon as I settle into my new system. Anyway, here is a tutorial I made, the first of what will hopefully be many. Let me know if you find any part of it unclear.===>

i love thouse little animated gifs there great.

the technique isnt bad … but im a perfectionist and the shadows look ok but not real enough for me.

in the jpeg, the shadow from the drone has already moved over the shadow of the terrain, so mostly what you are seeing is the fixed shadow of the terrain. Indeed, I ought to replace the JPEG w something that shows off my shadow a bit better.

Haha, thats a great method you got there, very clever :smiley:

Only good for anims where the camera is static tho’

Looks good. The drone is very nice. Do you have a bigger picture?
Did you actually try the ter2blend script? I know it says that it doesn’t work, but I’ve been able to get it to import the terrain into blender. I’m not sure if all of the lamp settings get imported right, but the land is fine. I’m using 2.28 and Python 2.2 (I think).


hehe i took a pic from an earlier frame for the jpeg so the shadow would be more clear, but managed to line up one of the droids legs w the edge of the foreground, an artistic nono. hehe oh well i am leaving it as is for now, and no, i have not actually tried it, but will do so! thanks for the tip! And thanks for the compliments!

Also, The program I used to make the gifs is a freeware program called ‘movies 12’ which can be obtained from Jans Freeware. It is VERY compact, and fast, and seems to like raw avi. You just size your avi output in blender, to whatever size you wish your gif to be, go to options avi to gif, and it converts it real time and plays the clips simultaneously as it does so. VERY fast. And it has no annoying features that are typical of freeware.