Groom exporter for Unreal Engine

Ah, problem solved. Blender 3.6+ GroomExporter_Library_Preinstalled_v013 Combining the two creates Button Export! 2 days of pain is finally over

Ah, problem solved. Blender 3.6+ GroomExporter_Library_Preinstalled_v013 Combining the two creates Button Export! 2 days of pain is finally over!!

Hello guys. I am looking for help regarding groom export from Blender to Unreal. Is there a way in Blender to assign Group IDs to Hair Curves and to combine different Curves into one so that you only export one Groom Asset into Unreal in which I have the option to edit each Group seperately? In the Meerkat Demo from Unreal they managed to do that but using Yeti for the Groom.

I deleted a bad answer, I tested it some years ago, you only need to select the multiple curves asset you want to export, fulfill the attributes you want to export, the group_id its not needed to set, I need to look deeper if its the addon who manages to set it for every curve asset or its unreal itself, but with those steps it works.

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I updated the addon to support Blender 4.1, with the updated python version from 3.10 to 3.11 the python module PyAlembic doesnā€™t work, it wasnā€™t easy it requires an cascade of libraries to be compiled prior, the addon donā€™t have any code update.

Exactly what I was looking for, thank you so much! Eventhough the solutions to this sounds so simple, I did not found anything about that elsewhere, only that you could combine everything in an new empty hair, but that did not work for me since all group inputs of the GN were destroyed.

Hi guys does this work with UDIMā€™s? I can export the fur successfully but itā€™s not mapping correctly in UE.

Does it fully support Blender 4.2? Looks like very close but not quite yet: export goes fine, shows group stats in unreal properly (except max radius which for some reason is 0), but does not render anything visibleā€¦ Unreal 5.2.1 here, I can change blender version, Unreal version is locked for me though, have to stay with 5.2.1ā€¦

EDIT: Confirmed that downgrading Blender to 4.1 fixes the issue - max radius shows as 1 and groom is visible in Unreal render window.

EDIT2: So export I can, but when I attach the groom to the skeletal mesh it does not follow the mesh when mesh is animated, which kinda defeats the purpose.

EDIT3: Never mind, was a typo in binding name on my end. You rule, everything is perfect!

Hi! I recently tried using the Groom Exporter after a while, and I seem to be running into some issues.

Iā€™m currently using UE5.4 and Blender 4.1. While Iā€™m familiar with the basics, I wanted to explore more advanced features.

The first issue I encountered is that the guide seems to be reading the information incorrectly. Could this be a bug caused by the UE5.4 update? If you check the attached screenshot, youā€™ll see that I have only 2 guide curves, but there are more than 2 curves visible in the viewport. I eventually switched the guide type to Rigged Guides to fix the issue, but Iā€™m not sure if thatā€™s the proper solution.

Could you take a look at this?

Also, for the second issue, I created guides in Blender, but Iā€™m unsure how to assign weights to the child (non-guide) curves. Iā€™d like to manually add attributes in Blender to create something like the afro hair shown in the attached screenshot.

Andā€¦I also came across the Groom Export plugin on the Unreal Engine Marketplace, and it looks really interesting. I havenā€™t tested it yet, but it seems like a great way to bring MetaHuman groom into Blender for study.

Have you thought about creating a Groom Importer addon that supports importing attributes? If you decide to release it as a paid option, Iā€™m ready to pay for it! :wink:

ā€œHow do I set the save guide property in blender Geometry nodes? Why is the guide automatically allocated when I import it into ue5 and import it into ue5.4 using Blender 4.2ltsā€

Hello, great addon. It is extremely useful.

I have an issue with the Interpolate Hair Curves node and the exporter. When the node is applied, the alembic gets totally messed up root colour in Unreal.

Has anybody dealt with such a problem? Any solution?

Thanks in advance