Group Node Image Input

I am new to node groups, and have been trying to figure out how I can create a single image input. The group node I am working on is for creating a shader that simply takes an image and cuts out the alpha with transparent and outputs a shader of that. Currently, I have 2 inputs which are ‘RGB’(image) and ‘alpha’(Fac). I want to be just a single input of just image, for maybe Image Texture(but there is no input for image on that one).

The other question I have is, is it possible to create my own category in ‘add’ or a sub-category in one of the categories of ‘add’ instead of there just being a bunch of random unorganized node groups imported? I know I can add a group node to the startup file and save that, but I want to add some organization to it by separating it by, for example, image effects tab or simple pre-made materials tab.

Select the input/output and delete it or add a new input


The other question I have is, is it possible to create my own category in ‘add’ or a sub-category in one of the categories of ‘add’ instead of there just being a bunch of random unorganized node groups imported? I know I can add a group node to the startup file and save that, but I want to add some organization to it by separating it by, for example, image effects tab or simple pre-made materials tab.
Yes. You would have to write a python script/addon to do this