About 6 of my friends and I are going to start using Blender to try to make a game or two. We are wondering how good of games Blender can make? Can the games be as long as you want to make them? Also I noticed with the couple of games I downloaded that none of them ever used the mouse, is there a reason for that? Or was it just the games themselves. We would love to get some suggestions about some other (free hopefully) game making software (if needed) to make some games.
I would love to get some links to some webs sites that have some free downloadable games made by blender. If you could post them here as examples of what Blender can do that would be great.
I think you can make the games as long as you want.
Do you have many textures??.Youl need that. And sounds
I dont god many games on my webb site but go and lokk then.
Goot luck (send me a mail or msn if you need help )
Well its file size that really limits what people make, if it’s a big game the size can be up to 30mb and people can’t download it…
To use the mouse you need to put in a python script and most people just prefer to wait until they’re finished.
As far as examples all the games listed in this post:
Thanks for the replys, how hard is it to implement python script into a game? Also wondering how good you can get the graphics with Blender. Can the games get over 30mb, or are you just talking about to post on the forums here? Any more expamples of games would be great as well.
Thanks everyone, I didn’t click the link to the games until just a min ago. Didn’t know there was like 200 of em DOH! Thanks for the good info on the games. It should help a lot. Hey I tried going to the first web site, and they only downloaded like 200k and then stop, weird. Some of the screenshots looked really good to.
Witch one is your site? I am talking about http://www.giimann1.com not sure is this your web site? Some of those pics on this one looks pretty good. If you know any other place I can get these games that would be cool. I tried downloading all 3 of them and all of them were corrupt and only downloaded 200k out of 2000k.
Great, I’m back in the game engine forum. I was a while on just modeling, rendering, and materials, but when I saw those great coming games again. I couldn’t stop making things in the game engine.
Today I was making my own cullable full landschape, maybe soon I’ll post it as opensource.
Python scripting implementation is really easy, the hard part for me is learning how to use python. I really think you can make a really good game with blender, but the graphics engine does have it’s limits. Mainly, it is a bit sluggish.