Growing scales in Blender

The screenshots below are of a tool in Houdini that simulates the growth of scales .

The scales start out as tiny round meshes.

A simulation makes the meshes expand until they collide with neighboring scales.
I want to know how to grow scales until they collide with neighboring scales in Blender using geometry nodes.

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Since you asked some similar questions which are also quite interesesting…i thought and researched for this a bit… so essentially you are asking for a weighted voronoi pattern… because the triangulation from sphere (= weights) and this growing already in size given scales are nothing else… but… since at least in geometry nodes the voronoi node does have *not any point cloud input nor weights (yet)… this had to be done explicitly or via python script… maybe some older trials to produce differetn v-pattern could be helpfull… but i digged not too deep into this yet… :sweat_smile: ( ← not much of a help… but at least you can see: some people do actually read your questions…)

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I think GN is lacking a few tools to do that yet !

The closest I can think of would be to use that method :

But as you see it requires a very dense mesh, and from there you’ll have to massage the result to get a clean shape, so probably not the best.

As you hinted on your post, simulations might make things much simpler, even if there is a bit of a trick to do that using UV and therefore simplify the problem in 2D , rather than doing it in fully 3D.

Hope that helps !

Good luck !

Totally, I can see it being doable in UV space much more easily.

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What about this Houdini setup? Can this be done in Blender with geometry nodes?

This one might be more tricky to recreate actually.

For the first one, there is no loops in GN but it’s always possible to chain some nodegroups and therefore doing something similar…

But while it’s probably possible to get something clunky but good enough, it’s a bit of work to recreate that setup. So is it possible ? Yes with a bit of struggle. But you’ll probably have to dig a bit by yourself to recreate that, unless someone is willing to spend the hours doing that for you…

Or, maybe it’s best to look for a simpler way to do that, or use houdini until it’s a bit simpler to do in blender…

Just as an after thought…
What about Close Packing in Animation Nodes?

or Circle packing?

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