Grrr... "Anim" is close to "Play"

So guess which button I pushed by mistake? %|

Yeah, I know, I know. :-? But do you think that the render should check to see if the output file(s) already exist(s) and prompt you if you want to replace them? At least interactively?

Yeah, I shouldn’t be rendering to AVI-Jpeg, I should be using separate files, etc, etc. Mea culpa, but …

that was a pretty meaningless post, there is actually a reasonable distance between the two buttons

is this a feature request then? because a complaint would be even more useless

any time you do that, just hit the escape button. that will stop the rendering process. another way to avoid overwrite woes is, when you are not animating, change the file format to jpg or hamX or something. if the extensions are different, blender will not overwrite. it will render into the same folder though, which causes blender to cough and sputter during playback.

Another Cheesy way to keep from overrighting is to change the frame rate( blender saves the files by name of frame example 001_189.avi) all you have to do is add a frame and it makes it a whole new file … Tada…
Now on to do some thing cool …

What I did was: chmod 444 *.avi :smiley:

To thou Unenlightened Ones out there … those who useth Windowseth … :wink: … the chmod command listed above causeth the file to become read-only. In your ghetto, use: attrib +r *.avi

What we can do to prevent sad scenarios like this is, when the mousepointer enters the Anim button, we pop up a dialog:
“Warning: You are about to press the Animation Button. Doing so may overwrite existing files”. Ok/ESCKey

When we get an actual buttonpress on Anim, we pop up a dialog:
"You have pressed the Animation Button. Animatiing the current Scene will overwrite exiting files. Do you wish to continue? Yes/Cancel

If you select Yes to continue, each time we are about to overwrite an existing file, whether a movie or a single frame, we pop up a dialog:
"Do you wish to overwrite filename?

Worse case, for a full 18,000 frame sequence, you would have to respond eighteen thousand times, but isn’t (near) perfect security worth a little inconvenience?

I hope you’re kidding.


Ok, I confess!

However, it is interesting to contrast this thread calling for more action confirmation with the one ( which I am too lazy to link to ) calling for removal of the OK popup when extruding.

Less? More? More? Less? Go please everyone!

That’s why you always render to single frame TGA files

as always, a matter of learning. if you owerwrite your beloved renderings once, twice, the third time you’ll remember to check very precisely WHERE you render to or if you press the right button. and, yes, rendering to file sequences is smart and my preferred option for any kind of animation.