GSoC 2019 LANPR Updates Here!

I’ve been maintaining a personal blog where I store my LANPR dev logs as well. You can check the original todo list from the recent two weeks from there, which I didn’t log on to the wiki because it’s changing constantly and kinda messy. But if you are interested, the link is here:

(The website also archives LANPR from the past years and other very strange stuff as well…)

I get instant crash to desktop when pressing the G:P update button in latest build.:pensive:

Ok,now it stopped crashing…very strange. Here is another picture with GP explosion issue.
It happens when zooming in/out the camera.

Let me take a look on the commits to see if that’s a problem I fixed or not.

Edit: it was fixed already. Maybe you need to wait until the next build.

I saw that you are enabling camera follow viewport. If you disable that will it help?

Yes if I disable Lock camera to view I don’t see any GP explosions.

OK, that might be a problem with how Blender draws the stroke.

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There’s a new build here. Try this out. Should be more stable.

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@xp8110 Thanks for all your development so far! it really is coming along.

GPU mode, is now rendering, however, i am unsure whether it is still having a bit of a slowdown? When i switch between solid mode and material mode, it takes 5-10 seconds… when i hit f12, its ~45 seconds… Unsure what would be causing the slowdown here to be… but 45 seconds is definetly useable!!

Next problem I have… is I am running into that buffer size error now :frowning: (of 4194304 edges) It was not hanging blender but hard crashing, can provide crash reports if needed.

Anyway thanks again for all your help!!

F12 is generating intersection lines, thus the extra amount of time. If you disable that Intersection option, it will be as fast as in the viewport. The 5-10 seconds of loading time sounds reasonable to me for a 500k tri scene.

Yes, please attach a crash log here :). I am going to fix this today.

I fixed the overflow. Should not crash now.:slight_smile:

Also, CPU mode chaining speed is greatly improved using a new algorithm. Shouldn’t cause much trouble now.

@xp8110 Youre amazing!!! seems pretty good right now…

It seems that I can only disable the intersection option if i switch back to CPU mode, disable, then enable GPU mode, not too much of a hastle but may be worth while with the UX.

The other thing I noticed, was that dupli-collections didnt really work correctly, and were totally ignored if i disabled the intersection option. this was easily fixed by selecting them all and making them real.

Anyway thanks for all your hard work @XP8110 it is much appreciated.

The ‘only’ feature that would be awesome to get in, is stroke strength, based off distance… So the further away the stroke is the bigger the fade off. Unsure if this is feasible for this GSOC, but would like to mention it anyway.

Thanks again!!!

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PS we are looking at using this on a proper project as a replacement for freestyle as we speak.

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UI: Oops the intersection switch should be put in the GPU page as well. However you can toggle “Intersection” in the “Layer Settings” as well (Maybe I’ll disable intersection calculation completely when this is switched off in the GPU mode). Thanks for the report. It used to have that checkbox but some how get lost recently.

Distance based stroke is already achieved using the “Effects” panel. Width and Alpha Influence is there for you just to achieve depth controlled width and alpha. The curve value is to adjust the speed which those two arguments fade with depth. Have a great day :smiley:

Week 6 update is here. It was meant to update yesterday but there are some minor fixes to be done.


Using the test file I sent you Im really having nightmarish results .
Now,its even worse than previous builds , I barely get any lines to show using GP or Software mode.
How does it look on your side?
Nobody seems to be having issues beside me…I really don’t understand what is happening.
I know how to set it,the instructions are clear.
I deleted all addons and preferences to start on a clean slate,thought maybe it could help.
I have GTX 1070 and not having any issues with 3d softwares or games lately and had no problems with most 2018 Lnpr builds…but this year is not nice with me at all.

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Ahh that looks super weird. Can you provide a file? It looks like a chaining error. I have updated the default values in “chaining options” sub panel, Try setting Geometry to 0.0 and Image to 0.01 and update?

Since there have been some other default value updates, you might going to have trouble with old existing files. But still sounds suspicious. So please give me a file to investigate :smiley:

You already have it.It’s the same test file I posted 2 weeks ago

Thanx,setting Geometry to 0.0 and Image to 0.01 worked.:smiley: Amen,I get some results.
Also I didn’t quite understand what you said about GP intersections.
Is there a way curretly to get intersections (most importantly for me,self-intersections)
using GP in Lanpr? If no,that’s ok,I’ll work around that.But if its possible I want to know how.

The file is saved from an older release of LANPR. Some properties has been updated so they might not be read properly in the newer release (When merged into master we will then take the old property into account but this is the development phase).

The crease threshold and chaining value isn’t correct in the file. You will have better luck using a new file and import your models there :smiley:

Intersections are (now) only generated by the target gp object in the “collection” tab. You left that entry empty. A more logical solution is coming though, so don’t worry.