GSoC 2024 Sculpt Brush Node

Anchored stroke method broken in 4.1.0? Seems like i can’t properly rotate the alpha.

The Knife Tool improved from GSoC 2021. I know that much at least, because one of my suggestions even got implemented by the student and was also put into Master, which involved undo on the first cut not originally removing the first step and just got stuck until doing another action.

Pretty sad though that so many of those projects never got the necessary attention to get merged. I was really looking forward to the UV editing improvements from last year’s project.


I’d say that the standards are likely a lot higher. That said, I think the biggest factor that kills the success rate of GSoC is time. Nowadays all the devs are getting paid a salary more or less to work on maintaining and developing Blender. This also means they have a built in schedule that needs to be followed as each version gets developed. A schedule that interferes with other side things such as reviewing code from volunteers. Devs likely had a lot more freedom to pick up whatever project they wanted before 2.80 than they do now.

I mean, it’s already well documented that Sculpt Mode has been basically ignored in favour of other projects and as those projects have wrapped up more developers are now looking into Sculpt Mode, texturing, etc. If a module as integral to Blender such as sculpting and texturing have been treated this way, how much time does a GSoC project have to get the necessary attention to be reviewed and implemented in a timely manner? Not a lot from the looks of it.

GSoC happens at the same time every year and known about well in advance. They should be able to incorporate it into the schedule if they know they are going to participate.

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Curve tools have been (the illustrator/ inkscape like pen tool).

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My favorite was the GSOC for “user can edit the command order in the quick favorite menu”.

That one got feature creeped and bike shedded to death. Pretty sure that if the GOSC dev had said “no, you can’t have icons, no you can’t have a redo of the entire preference panel, etc” - we’d have that feature now.


A lot of early sculpt mode actually originated from GSoC projects.

2006 Sculpt Mode - Nicholas Bishop added sculpt mode
2008 GSoC Multires - Nicholas Bishop converted multires into a modifier (modifiers were new)
2010 GSoC Sculpt Brushes - Jason Wilkins created most of the brushes during this GSoC project

GSoC (and Open Movies in my opinion) aren’t nearly as important as they used to be for Blender. But they were pretty critical in helping Blender get off the ground in the early days. It was Ton and volunteers back then.


any example?

Node previews wasn’t merged

@joseph : Would you mind splitting the GSoC discussion off from this thread, please?
Thank you.

greetings, Kologe


fine, splitting hairs a bit, it did merge a large portion to main, but it’s hidden behind an experimental option which doesn’t ship with official releases, you did say “merged into a main release” so i’ll give you the node preview.

how about 2020’s grease pencil gsoc does that one count?

most of your point still stands though, much of the gsoc work never makes it in, narrower scoped projects historically have better odds of getting some of their work in. To say none of the work ever makes it in and hasn’t since 2.80 is a bit harsher towards the students and mentors than required imho and not quite jiving with reality.


The information about surface angle is usually obtained from shading, which is usually enough, so having sculpting cursor tilt optional will be actually nice to have.
For example, the same issue is about edit mode cursor changes during action - it also became distacting in the same way during multiple actions, like tweaking lots of vertices during retopology, while indicates quite obvious state.

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