
Sneaky tactics sometimes work, but I prefer getting stuck straight in in this one. Screen shots are around some ware.


Its a really old test file that only works with sumo, so as I am about to rebuild it in bullet I thaught new users might like to see it. It works in 2.40, and you can see more with UGE. Controls are on the key board, mouse and joystick.



ps Is unsticky best then.

That’s very cool. The ship is extremely well textures, the only complain I can think of is that the game is way too dark. I think you are going for the stormy look, but I can hardly see anything. Otherwise good job!

Be aware that Bullet still has a few bugs left to be worked out, Erwin has been working on it though and you should see bugs fixed with the first 2.43 preview build.

Blender crashes when i try to play it = (

yes it does dosent it

Fine with me, Blneder 2.42a windows XP hardware OpenGL Geforce 6200 with latest driver (91.31)

With my set up, it works in 2.42a, but crashes out. If you run it in 2.40, or UGE you should see a big speed boost.