gta cars to blender

hi im making a racing game. And i found some good car models for GTA game with .txd and .dff extensions.

How can i convert them to .obj or .blend file?

(i tried zmodeler but it did not work.)


Please can you post the file so I can try to help. I think .dff files can be locked
depending on the application that created them. I can try to resolve and then let
you know the steps needed to complete your conversion.



you cant post commercial game data in this forum, or the Moderators™ will come and ban™ you

…as the advised above user said!!
Please, verify if the “linked” files are free for diffusion?!

I third that… Apologies for not thinking to stipulate that files should be
freely distributable.



This car model is not commercial. Somebody has made it in 3dmax and converted to gta file type.
i found this from a noncommercial forum. if it is forbidden,Please delete this thread.

i uploaded file to this link


I think it best that you contact the owner of the file and ask permission to import/use.
Email address is in the R34DM3.txt file.

Sorry cannot help…

